The PM People support individual rights to make lifestyle choices. In an effort to clearly identify our smoking policy for a particular home as defined by its owner, our advertisement of the property will clearly display the policy for each home and will label in one of three ways:
Smoking property – allows smoking inside the home as well around the premise.
Smoking permitted outside – allows smoking on covered porches and patios and around the outside of the property. Smoking in the garage is not allowed even if doors are open. Smoking in an open air carport is allowed.
Nonsmoking or smoke free property – smoking is not allowed in the home or anywhere on the premise. We humbly request that people who smoke or have frequent house guests that smoke not apply for this property to avoid the potential issues that may arise.
Due to the increased risk of fire, increased maintenance and repair costs, long term damage of structure, and the possible health effects of secondhand smoke and its residue, Management deems this policy necessary in order to maintain the Premise to the best degree possible and to ensure the Premise remains rentable and desirable to all potential tenants.
The owner and Management reserve the right to make such additional rules and regulations, as they may deem necessary. Residents who disregard stated policies could be subject to eviction, loss of their security deposit, as well as being held liable for cost to restore property to a non-smoking condition. Residents are responsible for returning the unit at the end of their tenancy in the same condition as when they were granted occupancy.
You will be asked to sign and acknowledge the smoking policy at the time of lease signing and it will be made an integral part of the lease.