Property Management. Done Right.

Recent homeowner’s feedback

We’ve recently gotten some feedback from homeowners who appreciate having The PM People manage their rental properties for them. Here’s what they have to say:

Some reviews from Google

Jimmie W. says:

We talk about you often here to our friends as we are always hearing horror stories about rental properties that folks we know own and are having so many problems with. We always tell everyone how great you are and how lucky we are to have you managing our property and they need to find someone like you to manage their property. We are very fortunate to have you and can not thank you enough for always taking care of us. Thank you.

Charlie C. says:

Thank you for following up and taking care of our place. I have gotten to a point in business and family life that it is a real blessing to have you taking care of this for us! I appreciate you and your work!

Josh Fooks says:

The Pm People are a management company you can really rely on. They have found great renters for my property, multiple times. When a contract is up and renters move on, the Pm People have someone already lined up to move in. I don’t worry about my property or that I am being taken advantage of. They call and help resolve those little issues you are bound to have and follow through with what they tell you. I would Highly recommend them to all!!



You can find more good reviews in google. Please check out those honest, real comments about the property management company.
If you have a home you want to rent out but don’t have the time or expertise to handle the details yourself, give The PM People a call at 864-735-7767!

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